Letter to Maya Angelou is a book that is intended to entice the reader’s attention and provoke them to delve into deep thought on environmental and society issues.
One hundred breath-taking, intimate photographs of nature scenes have been included in this book. Beautiful shots of flocks of birds just taking off in flight, enchanting forests, stunning autumn color and incredible sunsets were enough to make me a fan of the book.
The photos are accompanied with poetic verses, which, unfortunately, did not strike a cord in me. Honestly, I did not even understand many of the verses. Overall, though, it was clear that the author’s intent was to encourage openness to adventure, the opportunity for growth and participation in issues that matter. I really liked a few statements in particular, "Let your heart be your guide, and the brain a tool" and "It’s always a holiday when you love".
Oluwadahusi is a man who has been juggling many hats for some time - from being a lawyer, author and poet, to the more rewarding efforts as a teacher and father. He warns his readers that "any apparent disorder in any of the text, lack of punctuation" was done with the intent to provoke the reader to fill in the blanks for themselves.
ISBN#: 1420820486
Author: Oluwadahunsi
Photographs provided by: US Fish & Wildlife Service
Publisher: Author House
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