When it comes to your kids and their physical activities, in most cases we know how important it is to keep children hydrated, and what it takes to prevent them from becoming dehydrated.
The problem that many family members have is finding the right source to allow their child to have access to the necessary amount of water to be consumed throughout their day, and a kids hydration pack just might be the answer and solution you’re looking for in a hydration system!
If we don’t already know the facts, your kids (including all adults) should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, and the reason for this is that your children could easily lose up to 2 or more quarts of water daily, and that’s under normal activity. Once they get involved in more extreme sports it could much higher.
Staying Hydrated Does Not Mean Drinking 8 Glasses Of Water In One Gulp!
Now when we say drink at least 8 glasses, we mean continuous hydration, which your child should be drinking 8-10 ounces of water at least every 15 minutes during their workout, and another 10-12 ounces right after their activity is completed. While the body needs this constant replenishment, I’m sure you’re asking yourself, how do we make sure they follow these necessary guidelines?
It’s hard to control what your children are doing when they’re not in your presence, and if you remember your childhood like I do, when we were out biking, rollerblading, snowboarding, or any activity that takes our complete attention away for long periods of time, I myself remember many times only drinking water when I was extremely thirsty!
Of course you find out now as an adult that you should have water in your system every 15-20 minutes on average, and always drink water prior to feeling thirsty; but what do we know as kids? All we cared about at the time was having fun, and hoping the activity never ended.
When you’re having so much fun, and your child happens to run out of water while mountain biking in the backcountry, as a kid, the last thing they’re going to worry about is finding a source of water until they’re extremely thirsty, and feel the need to find H2O. At that point, your kids are going into a dehydration stage. I remember carrying my water in a water bottle that ended up always not being enough, and when I finally get to drink out of the bottle it was warm, so I would drink every drop in 15 seconds flat leaving no water for later.
Hydration Packs Are A Convenient Solution For Hydrating Your Kids
Kids hydration these days couldn’t be any simpler with a convenient backpack with a hydration system attached. Children are accustomed with some sort of pack for school, and using them for transporting their gear to many of their activities. With common daypacks offering an internal water system that includes an insulated reservoir with easy access through a conveniently attached tube, they can easily keep a necessary amount of water in their bodies throughout the day, and look cool at the same time.
Having the right kids features including the right look, weight, and also proper hydration capacity is important for having overall successful kids packs! It’s not only about the hydration features, but these packs must be functional for your child’s sport, and look really cool so they can maintain their image. Any of these components are missing, and the backpacks purchased could easily end up in the back of your kid’s locker.
Hydration backpacks and many suppliers of these hydration system packs understand the balance of your children’s needs, and they have designed the hydration pack to be easily tailored to your kids needs. They are ergonomically designed with proper sternum straps, and proper ventilation for complete comfort, and they have many additional accessory items to accommodate their equipment and gear.
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