Jumat, 30 April 2010

How to Concentrate in 4 Magic Steps

One of the main problems that deter a person's success is their lack of concentration. Lapses encourage disturbances to get in the way and stall progress. If ones wishes to proceed on their road to success, it is imperative they learn how to concentrate. Here, we show you some easy to learn exercises that are easy to implement.

1) Silence or Noise:
Most people cannot concentrate when it is too noisy, but others work better with music or others in the midst of a crowded room. If you are not aware as yet what best suits you, then try out the different environments. How? Take a notepad and a pencil or pen with you and try and write down a letter in all the three circumstances in a set amount of time. Ten minutes. That is all you will need to determine where your source of concentration lies. How? Check not only for length but also for development as that is more important.

2) Focal Point:
Every morning, before you leave for work or on the way, stare at any object for ten minutes. You can do this while in the toilet, car or bus. You will find this difficult, but whatever happens, do not move your gaze away. Hold it. Wait. And then, as the minutes pass you will find yourself deeply meditating about things that happened to you yesterday or challenges you have to face in a few minutes. Congratulations. You have just conquered the art of meditation.

3) Deep Breathing:
In the beginning, you can do this while staring at the object from tip number two, but if you wish to move towards real concentration, do this separetly. Sit down on the floor. If its hard, place a cushion. Close your eyes. Breathe. Count the number of inhales. When you have reached 100, start counting backwards but this time count the exhales. Mastering this will take you a while, but once you do move on to other kinds of mathemathical calculations such as naming the months of the year from December backwards or alphabetically. After that, make up exercises as you like.

4) Movement:
Focus on an animal: cat, dog or even ant or bird. Follow their every movement as if they exist in a vaccumm. Study every tiny spot on their body. The point of this is to learn how to diversify your concentration in such a way that movement does not deter you from your goal.

Practice the above four tips and like magic, you will start enjoying life to its fullest because you will be able to focus on the things you want to focus on and disregard those that disrupt. Practive the above tips daily and you will be that much more closer to achieving your dreams and goals. Best of Luck!

Kamis, 29 April 2010

How to Clean a Dirty Aquarium

A fresh water fish tank requires about 30 minutes to an hour of work a week depending on the size of the tank.

Waht you will need:
1) You will need a clean 5 gallon bucket that has never had chemicals or soap inside of it.
2) A hose or gravel cleaner
3) A bag of natural or synthetic sea salt

I have split the work into two parts the tank which needs to be cleaned ever week on the same day and the filters which can be cleaned every 2 or 3 weeks.

The very first thing you have to do before you start cleaning your fish tank is to unplug your tanks heater if you have one. The heater can not be allowed to be removed from the water while it is hot so make sure to leave it unplugged at least 20 minutes before attempting to remove it. The water help cool the glass on the heater if removed it could crack, or the glass could totally shatter. You should also remember to never stick your hand inside of any fish tank before making sure the heater is not only off but unplugged from the wall. A small crack in the heater could be more then enough to cause a shock to you that can be fatal.

After the heater has ha time to cool you can safely remove the heater from the tank or it the heater is submersible you can just push it down to the bottom of the tank.

Now take any decorations you may have placed in the tank, so all you have are the small gravel at the bottom, this will allow you to get any dirt that those decorations may have been covering up. Now if you do not have a gravel cleaner you are going to have to roll up your sleeves and get your hands wet. You will need to stir up the gravel to get the dirt that has settled between the gravel into the water, and start removing the water into the bucket with the hose. Do not throw out the water you will still need it to clean the filters.

If you have a gravel cleaner, push the plastic tube into the gravel until it hits the bottom of the tank, then start a siphon into the bucket, every second or 2 move the gravel cleaner over an inch or 2 and repeat this process until either you have removed 15 percent of the tanks water of you have cleaned all the gravel.

Now at this point you can clean the Aquariums filters. The insides of the filters are used to grow bacteria, that help break down the nitrites and nitrates that are in the water from fish waste and uneaten food. To make sure we don’t kill all these Aquarium friendly bacteria, we clean the filter materials and sponges in the dirty water that I also full of the bacteria. Take everything out of the filters and rinse them of in the bucket of dirty Aquarium water, then give the sponge a couple of squeezes in the bucket and reassemble the filters, and put them back on the tank.

Now before adding the water sea salt must be added to the tank. All water has some amount of salt in it and to replicate the natural habitat of the fish there must be salt in your tank as well. Add approximately 1 cup of sea salt for every 50 gallons of water.

Now you can add water to the tank, but you must make sure the water is the within a degree or two of the temperature of the water in the tank. A drastic change in the tanks temperature suddenly can throw the fish into shock and kill them or weaken their immunity and help give them a fish disease. I recommend filling the bucket with hot water and checking it regularly till it is the same as the tanks temperature, then slowly add the water to the tank, start the filters and the heater.

Cleaning the filters only needs to be done once or twice a month, but the water in the tank must be cleaned on the same day every week.

Rabu, 28 April 2010

How To Choose The Right Flooring For Your House

Everyone dreams of living in a beautiful house. Once you have the house, you're often bewildered with different decorating ideas. It's a good idea to start at the basics. Good flooring forms the foundation of any decorating theme. So it's vital to get the flooring right. One aspect is selecting the right materials.

The various rooms in your house may need a different kind of flooring. You have to pick the flooring depending on the use for the room, your lifestyle and your finances. Before you get floored by the number of choices available in the market, it's a good idea to know what you’re looking for:

Your location

The location of your house is an important ingredient in your purchase decision. Do you live in a warm or cold climate? Do you have flooding or fires near your area? Studying these factors will help you make the right decision. Here's an example. Knowing that your house is situated in a moist area will give you a wide choice of flooring to choose from. You should probably pick material that will not rot away like stone, granite or marble. However, if you live in colder climes, then you can use a carpet or plain linoleum for the kitchen.

Your tastes

Your house should reflect your style and tastes. Do you like contemporary designs or a more traditional look? If your budget allows it, a hardwood flooring goes with almost any interior decorating idea. Bamboo floors or laminated floors are a cheaper option. You’ll find it easy to clean a laminated floor as a good wipe will take care of it. You don’t have to use oil or excessively scrub it.

Check the foundation

You need to check the foundation of the house before you buy the flooring. You will want your flooring to remain firm and stable and not cracked or chipped. Firstly, fix the foundation of any defects. Only then will the new flooring look good. If there is going to be quite a lot of family traffic you will want to ensure that it is resistant to wear and tear.

Garage flooring

This is one room in your house that is most neglected. The right flooring can change this room completely. If your concrete flooring is unprotected, you will end up doing repairs pretty often as it will crack. Moisture can be disastrous for your garage flooring. Well laid out flooring can be a pleasure to look at. Further, you will want your garage to be safe and clean.

Your budget

It's always best to stay within your budget but look for quality material. If you’re looking for a good discount go to a materials wholesaler. They usually sell in bulk so you get to save in the bargain. Remember, don't count the pennies as compromising on quality can cost you later when you need to spend on repairs. Do you homework prior to going to a hardware store as you need to know what you’re looking for.
You can take your pick amongst various materials for your flooring. Let's take a look at some popular flooring options:
a. Hardwood floors- These are ideal for most homes but these floors are sensitive to climatic conditions. Wood tends to contract and expand depending upon the weather. They are also prone to water damage and require maintenance.
b. Marmoleum- This is made from material that is organic. As an environmentally friendly option this is easy to take care of. Not only is it durable but it is warm and comfortable to walk on.
c. Bamboo flooring- This is one of the most durable in the market today. It looks good and comes in different designs. Your rooms will look elegant and beautiful. Bamboo flooring can be dyed to look like wood. This is environmentally friendly and is commonly found in nature.
d. Rubber flooring- If you are into sports or if you have a toddler at home who is just learning to walk, then rubber flooring is ideal for you. This reduces the pressure on your heels and knees. You will not get hurt if you fall on rubber flooring. Interlocking rubber tiles are easy to assemble on the floor.
Picking the right flooring is very important. You can use different kinds of flooring for different rooms. For example a children's room can have a rubber floor while you can pick wood for the main living room. By customizing the flooring, you get the right fit. Any room requires a good floor to act as a foundation to the rest of the decor. So keep your interior design in mind, while selecting the right flooring. The design should not clash with the floor. Keep your house beautiful and elegant and most importantly let it reflect your unique style and personality.

Selasa, 27 April 2010

How to buy Digital Cameras cheap and at a large discount

There is a nice fluid market for both new and after market digital cameras on eBay. Digital Camera usage has grown enormously over the past few years. Technology has reduced the old film and developing almost to the archives. Quality cameras ranging in price from well under $500 to over $2000 are available. Professionals, amateur hobbyists and regular households all seem to be acquiring cameras, often more than one per household. The question becomes how can I acquire a digital camera at the best possible price?

With a large volume of most models being traded everyday, this is the ideal efficient market. One can study the dynamics of this micro-market and determine some useful buying rules. With a little more information than the rest of the marketplace, one can almost certainly make some intelligent buying opportunities. This article focuses on how to identify these gaps and often purchase digital camera's for 20-40% below retail.

This article should be read together with my longer piece and a web site, which produces the information required to identify buying nuggets. Find the links and URL's to these two sites at the bottom of this article. The niche site focuses specifically and only on data from the digital camera market.

Most information on eBay focuses on the selling element, i.e. how to sell your stuff. I have tended to specialize on the buying end and trying to identify market opportunities and price in-efficiencies to really capture excellent deals. To do this we need to understand the dynamics of the eBay market place. Like any other market it is supply demand driven, and like a large flee-market if a buyer has knowledge of how many items are for sale at what prices and how many other buyers are in the market, then that buyer can capture the upper hand. Lets focus a little more on supply.

The eBay supply dynamic is a little different in that supply of an item must be seen at a point in time. In other words, because auctions end at different times, one needs to grasp the number of auctions ending in close proximity for the same item. This gives you a feel for the supply of items or in our case cameras. What makes this interesting is that today there could be a large amount of auctions ending for a particular model, but next week there could be very few. This is one element driving the price.

The demand side is slightly more complex and hidden from the average eBay buyer. This is where that the web site I refer to at the bottom has some useful data. Demand in eBay terms is measured (by sellers) as a number of factors - how many people view my auction, how many people ask questions, how many people place me on their watch page, and how many people actually bid. Obviously as we progress down this list the data become more reliable as an indication of demand. Page views are not easy to obtain, although some sellers place a publicly viewable counter on their auction pages. Questions and watchers are available to sellers, and the special web site mentioned below will expose this information. Number of bids is available for all to see.

Now if we happened to produce a graph as the auction progresses of the changes in the number of questions, watchers and bid's one can easily see how the demand is changing as time progresses. Typically if questions are high and watchers are high, but bids are low, this may indicate some confusion and a possible buy opportunity. If watchers are very high and climbing, but bids are low, this can point to a last minute bidding war, and a stay out indicator.

Armed with this information and also a quick summary of other similar auctions ending soon, plus a quick feel for the skill set of the seller and the current highest bidder, once can see a picture very different from the average eBay buyer. Soon the trained eye will observe some nice buying opportunities. For the professional or amateur photographer this will soon bring in a number of digital camera buys that are quite a bit cheaper that retail. For example it is quite possible to find gems at 20-40% of retail prices. Lets face it, most digital camera's perform perfectly years after acquisition. Digital electronics seldom degrade over time, so the aftermarket such as eBay is the idea place to buy camera's cheaply.

Senin, 26 April 2010

How to buy a used car

Think of buying a car as a game of poker, the seller is your opponent he may be bluffing he may not, but just as you would at a poker room in a casino you have to try to read the seller like you would in a poker room in a casino.

Always remember to keep your eyes and ears open, when talking to someone about a used car. Make sure to ask lots of questions.

In a casino you are risking your money, in hopes of getting a big return, but when buying a car you just want to get your moneys worth, you want a car that will be reliable and dependable. You do not want a car that wont start on cold days or that stalls until its been running for a half hour.

Make sure to check the undercarriage and under the hood for rust. To a car rust is like cancer. Once rust is found it will spread unless it is cut off and replaced. Under the car and in the engine compartment you will find some rust it is only natural, but you want it to only be surface rust. This means if you take a wire brush to the rusted area you will brush off the rust and get to clean metal.

Next make sure to check the body of the car, for waves and any bubbling in the paint, this would indicate that the car was in an accident or some rust was incorrectly repaired. It is not uncommon for someone selling a car to have rust spots sanded down and painted over to give the car a fresh look, but what will happen is after a month or two the paint will start to bubble as the metal begins to rust again.

Next, look at the motor and mechanical parts under the hood of the car. The engine should be relatively clean from motor oil. If you see large buildups of oil in an area then chances are a head gasket will need to be replaces because of an oil leak.

All electrical and rubber parts should be checked for cracks. Cracks in rubber parts means that the rubber is old and dried out and will probably need to be replaced eventually.

Make sure to ask the owner if he has all the receipts for any work that has been done to the vehicle.

Another important piece of advice is to make sure to take the car for a good test drive. Do not be afraid to drive the car a little hard with the owner with you in the car, chances are they will understand, if they object then maybe there is something with the car they are trying to hide and you should move on to another car.

Many people will tell you that buying a used car is a gamble but if you take a good hard look at each car, and not get impulsive to buy, you can remove any gamble and guarantee yourself a jackpot of a car.

Minggu, 25 April 2010

How To Buy A Plasma Or LCD TV In 3 Easy Steps

You know what? Buying a TV isn't the same old process that it used to be. Long gone are the days when you could walk into Sears with your wife, pick your favorite CRT television and be on your merry way. Nope. Thing are much much better now! A side consequence of the information revolution is that the free flow of information gives the consumer a definite advantage over the dealer. No matter what claim is made about the 'incredible deal' you are about to receive on your new plasma or lcd television set, the information is easily verifiable with a few simple Google searches or mouse clicks.

Lets take a quick look at some of ideas you can use to make sure you are getting the best bang for your buck in your new television selection.

a) Take your time. Just because a LCD TV is on sale, it doesn't mean that the TV is going to go away forever. There are tons of different resources out there for you to peruse before investing several thousand dollars in a brand new big screen television set. ConsumerReports.org is one of them that I use frequently. There are a ton of others.

b) Compare offline closeout sales with the deals you can find online. Big Box retailers can sometimes offer incredible discounts to what you see online. We've found that the best strategy is to straddle both the online and the offiline world. Make sure what you are doing is maximizing your bang for your buck.

c) Don't be afraid of non name brand merchandise. Well, lets put a caveat on that. Make sure the model you buy is from a somewhat decent manufacturer but the manufacturer doesn't have to be a world famous one. Sometimes what you are paying for is a high ticket brand name and not a great product. A new plasma tv by a not so well known manufacturer might be just as good as a new name brand one.

There are hundreds of other tips to buying the LCD or Plasma TV of your choice and these are just the tip of the iceburg. In fact, some of the best kept secrets to buying a big screen tv make these items seem insignificant in comparison. Learn them all and get the best deal possible.

Sabtu, 24 April 2010

How To Buy A Home Theater

Everyone has that friend who was pumped about anything that had to do with a home theater system. They are usually tech addicts who always have the latest gadgetry. My friend is riding the home movie theater wave and must have dropped five or six thousand dollars into all of components that he bought for his system. He started even before he had a house and so he had it all set up in his bedroom at his parents. And I’ve got to hand it to him, his system had some serious power.

The sound from the speakers was big enough that pictures would fall off the walls upstairs if he wasn’t careful. Anyway you have to laugh when you hear what he finally did put it in when he got his own place—an efficiency apartment in downtown Chicago. I am here to tell you that this was the best movie going experience ever given by a man with a small inner city apartment. Sitting on the couch while the movie blasted on the large screen that engulfed one whole wall of the apartment was as near to real as you could hope for.

Well enough about my friend, what I am really here to talk about in this article is the fact that you want a new home theater for your home and you want to know the basics about what to get and how to know it is good. My guess too is that you are not as in to loud action/thriller type movies like you used to be and therefore you just want a straight up system that gives you the best that the digital music sound has to offer and lets you have it high or low depending on your mood and the movie.

So it at least needs a DVD player because the tape deck is out. Other newer and cooler things are wireless receivers and little ports where you can plug in your ipod and play movies on your home theater system off of that. Talk about an all in one digital media collection! So what about speakers and other components like projectors?

Speakers are definitely one of the most important things in a home theater system as they produce whatever sound you are going to hear. So this is where you probably have to be willing to lay down some serious cash. For most people the middle of the line in quality is good enough (they won’t be able to tell the difference between these and the top of the line) but these will still run you anywhere from one to two thousand with installation and all that.

Jumat, 23 April 2010

How to bet on the SuperBowl

Since the SuperBowl is the last game of the season you have an advantage that you do not have during the beginning of the season.

With 2 weeks to go till the SuperBowl we know that the Indianapolis Colts and the Chicago Bears will be the ones representing their divisions in the biggest game of the year.

Many people like to bet on sports to make them more exciting, and the SuperBowl is no exception. It is common for many offices to have a SuperBowl Pool, and it is very common for friends to bet on the outcome of the game with each other, it just increases the fun of watching the game, but how do you know who to bet your money on?

There is no guaranteed way to know who will win without cheating, but comparing the states can help in making an informed decision.

There are many things to take into account:

Some teams have a great passing game; some teams are strongest on the run, so you have to look at whom are they playing and what is there defense best against. If you have a team that has a great running back, and the defense is weak against the run then that is a definite advantage to the team that likes to run the football.

The location of the game is also important the SuperBowl is always played in a Domed stadium so the weather is not usually a major factor in the SuperBowl but, if the stadium has Astroturf as apposed to real grass then that can effect a team, lets say one team has turf in their home stadium and he other team has grass, then this can be an advantage to the team who has turf.

The physical and mental state of the players must also be taken into account before placing a bet on the SuperBowl or any sporting event. Come the playoffs many teams have players on the injured list, but many players will try to come back for the playoffs to help their team, but often this backfires because they may not be playing at 100% and can re-injure themselves so that they are playing hurt during the big game. This means they will not be playing at their best, and this gives an advantage to the opposite team.

The mental state of the players can affect a players even more then an injury can. If a player is playing hurt he still has his head in the game, but a player with marriage or financial problems is not concentrating on the game, they may be thinking of their own problems. This can cause a player to drop balls or make stupid mistakes.

After researching all these issues you will start to form a picture in your head of who is the better team going into the SuperBowl, and this will allow you to make an educated guess as to who will win. Remember this guide will only help improve your odds of winning they are not a guarantee that you will pick all the winners.

Kamis, 22 April 2010

How to become a Vegas Showgirl

All of the big Las Vegas casinos put on shows to attract crowds to the casino, and instead of hiring new dancers every time the change the show, they hire full time dancers and these girls are called Showgirls.

If you have ever thought about putting elaborate costumes and dancing in front of crowds every night, then becoming a Vegas Showgirl may be the job for you.

Being a Vegas Showgirl is not an easy job. You must be in top physical condition if you expect to be a professional dancer, and it is important to remember that not everyone will make it, becoming a professional dancer is a roll of the dice, you have better odds of winning an
<a href="http://www.online-casinos-707.net/craps.html" target="_blank">Online Craps</a> game then making it as a dancer.

There are several things you can do to help improve your chances of getting your carrier as a Las Vegas Casino dancer started:

Dance lessons, if you want to be a professional dancer you have to learn several different styles of dance, and dance them all well. This may be the hardest part to becoming a dancer. This part will take many years and require you to spend several hours a day every day taking dancing lessons.

Physical Conditioning, dancing requires lots of endurance and stamina. Besides the workouts you will get from all the dancing lessons you will take you will also need to work out on your own regularly. These workouts should include aerobic and some weight training.

Weight training should not be done to build muscle mass only for building strength and muscle toning. The best way to do this is by doing high repetition counts of low weights. This method will make the existing muscles stronger but will not bulk you up.

To pursue a carrier in dancing in a Vegas Casinos it is important to target the leg, stomach and back muscle groups. It is from these muscle groups that a dancer moves.

Diet, Dancers are required to be tossed around and lifted into the air, not to mention the fact that most dancers are skin tight and for these reasons dancers must always watch their weight.

Many Las Vegas Showgirls have to get on the scale every week and if they gain weight they could get thrown out of the show. Always remember there are many people that dream of dancing professionally, and the casinos will not hesitate to throw a girl out and replace her for the slightest reason.

Once you feel you are good enough you can start sending in resumes. A resume should include each different style of dance that you know and how long you have been doing it, and it should also include all prior dance experience.

A good way to get experience is to get yourself in as many different things you can. Local theater groups are a great way to gain experience. Getting a job as a dance instructor Is also a good way to gain experience and practice at the same time.

By sending your resume to all the different casinos you can greatly increase your chances of getting at least one audition. Do not expect to get hired at the more popular casinos on your first audition. The bigger Las Vegas casinos usually like to hire girls with more experience, so you will probably have to work as a showgirl at a smaller casino first.

Rabu, 21 April 2010

How to Act on a First Date

The key to a successful first date is to relax and just be the real you. If you try to act in a way that you think the other person will like, then they may start liking someone who you are not, and in the end you will wind up breaking up and getting hurt, so honest truly is the best policy, and in the end if you are just being you and it does not work you, you know they were not the one for you.

Dating is like gambling at poker, sure a good bluff may win you a hand or two but you are not going to win the World Series of Poker by bluffing, only by playing the best you can. This is no different from dating if you make things up to try and impress this person they are not liking you but are liking the fake you  and eventually they will see the two are no the same.

 Try to think back to the things you talked about when the both of you spoke on the phone and see if you learned anything that may help you decide where to go for your date, but if you do not have enough information about them to know what they may like you sometimes have to gamble and throw the dice, and hope you don’t crap out.

The most important thing to do on a first date is to have a good time, the bigger a deal you make of it the harder it is going to be and the higher the chances of you making a jerk of yourself. If you are nervous before the date take a few minutes and take a few deep breaths and if this does not help then I recommend you do what I like to do in the casinos when my nerves are bothering me I simply have a drink. The alcohol in one drink will usually calm me down enough to concentrate.

The key to having a nice first date is simple:

Take her/ him to a nice place, quite but not too quiet, you should be able to hear each other but other distractions are also good for those uncomfortable moments.

Do not take her/ him to a place where your friends hang out, this will make her/ him feel as if they are being ganged up on or they may feel out of place and resent you for making them feel that way.

It is very important to have the whole night planned out already before the date and have a backup idea just incase. The tricky part is making it look like it was not all planned. Let's say you decide that you are going to take her for dinner, then after you want to take a walk on the beach do not just say hey after dinner let's take a walk on the beach. I would recommend you wait till after dinner and ask her if she wants to take a walk to burn off dinner and then take her to the beach.

Then when you are on the beach take her/his hand while walking, this makes a physical connection between you and makes it easier later on when you go for your first kiss.

Just remember that dating is a gambling sometimes you are going to get a bad hand and eventually if you play your cards right you will find the right person and win the jackpot.

Selasa, 20 April 2010

How the Online Gambling Ban helps Al Qaeda

Groups like Al Qaeda may very well be using online casinos to raise money for their global Jihad, but does banning online gambling really hurt them. The answer to this question is absolutely not, it actually help them.

The way it helps them is easy to understand. Most of the money spent on online gambling was going to publicly owned British operators, but the online gabling ban passed by the American Congress put a stop to that.

Out of fear of repercussions, as soon as the law was signed these companies sold off all operations dealing with the USA, but online gambling is still going on, so now who is getting the money.

The problem with the Gambling ban is that it does not stop people from gambling online it only stops legitimate operations from getting the money and less reputable ones start getting rich.

It is these small casinos that before went mostly unnoticed, that will now be bringing in the billions that will still be wagered online.

It is also these casinos that have the best chance of being a front for AL Qaeda. 

Some so called experts will tell you that this is not true and that it was thru owning shares in these publicly traded online casinos that terrorists were making money, but if they were buying shares of online casinos I am sure they are buying shares of Microsoft and Google. So why not ban them as well?

But once again the American people seem to be getting lied to by their elected Government officials, and it is time that we the people fight back against the government.

It is time we as a nation start to question and demand answers that make sense from them, after all they work for us, don’t they?

If you are tired of all the lies, then there is something you can do.

Jim Nickogoski the creator of the http:www.myspace.com/angryonlinegambler has started a web page to help fight against the Online Gambling Ban, the page also offers an online petition so you can tell the government you do not agree and you demand they reverse this unfair and unjust law.

The only real way for the government to ensure that money made from online gambling is not going to fund terrorism is to work together with the online casinos to regulate the industry with licensing so you really know who is getting your money. Only then can we be sure none of our money is going to the people killing out troops and threatening the American way of life.

So make your voice herd, write letters to senators, congressmen and even the President. Tell them you disagree with the law and ask them for real proof that this law is really what is best for us.

In the end I am sure the law will be reversed, maybe one day the government will learn what most Americans already know a ban on something never works, even if the government showed proof that online casinos are run by terrorists people would still play in them, just because they are not supposed to be it is just human nature.

Senin, 19 April 2010

For the last several years one Saturday of each month some friends and I would get in the car and drive to Atlantic City for a night of gambling, and it has always been one of the best days of the month.

We have never really been big gamblers we usually just stayed with the slots or the roulette table, until six months ago when someone decided we should learn to play poker because that’s where you can win lots of money fast.

So we all started playing poker in a weekly Friday night game together till we were good enough to play in the casinos. For practice I would play <a href="http://www.online-casinos-789.com/about-online-poker.html">Online Poker</a> in some free multiplayer poker rooms and eventually I felt confident enough to join an online casino poker room for real money.

At first I was losing hand after hand but the more hands I played the better of an understanding I was getting for the game, and every night I started making less and less mistakes and I actually started to win a few hands.
After about 2 or 3 months of this we decided it was time and we all drove to the casino to play some Poker.

We did ok for first timers, no one got rich but no one came home broke either. We decided that instead of our monthly trips we should start going every Saturday, and soon we would be leaving every Friday after work and coming back late Sunday night

Last month we decided to join this small tournament, the buy inn was only a few hundred each and the prize was 10,000 dollars, so we all decided to go for it and to try to start making real money playing poker, and in the end it paid off, I am still not sure how but I won the poker tournament and the 10,000 dollars grand prize.

Before the tournament we had all agreed that if one of us won it we would go out and have a big party with the money, but I had a much better idea

I decided that I could turn this money into a much larger amount and since it was easy to win the first time it should be easy to do it again.

Now from my personal experience I know that the Roulette table is a great way to double your money fast, there were many nights id have 20 dollars in my poker before leaving the casino and I would manage to double it on one spin of the roulette wheel, and now I had ten thousand dollars and could walk away with twenty thousand in just minutes.

So against the advice of all my friends I looked for a roulette table where the same color had won three times in a row. Once I finally found a roulette table that had come up red 3 times in a row it I place all my winnings on black and what luck it came out red again and I nearly passed out on the casino floor.

Ever since that night I have not won anything I have played. The best piece of advice I can give anyone out there is to not let winning go to your head. If you are up in the casino, go home and enjoy the money. It is important to remember that gambling in a casino or an online casino is supposed to be fun and relaxing and if it is not go read a book or something.

Minggu, 18 April 2010

How Metal Detectors Work

The first metal detector was created in 1881 by Alexander Graham Bell to detect the bullet lodged in the body of President James Garfield when he was assassinated. The first portable version was patented in 1931 by Fischer. Since then, this instrument has become very common. Here are some insights on the workings of metal detectors.

What is a metal detector?
An electronic instrument that can find any instance of metal from the ground, a human body or a parcel is called metal detector. It has the ability to pass through the sand, soil, wood and any other non-metallic items. It can track anything metallic.

How the metal detector is constructed?
An elementary metal detector has an electronic box along with a battery on one side, with a handle to let the operator place his arm. It has a coil made of insulated wire wrapped around the telescoping shaft and ends in a round plastic disk. The disk is displaced from the shaft making an angle that helps it to maintain parallel position to the floor. The operator holds the electronic box and switches on the power to start sweeping the coil slowly on the ground till there is an electronic signal. This signal shows the presence of a metallic item underneath the area already swept by the coil.

How does a metal detector work?
Metal detectors use the principal of electromagnetism and the effect it exerts on metals. The metal coil called the transmitter works on the battery power and generates a magnetic field that works on the surroundings. When this field enters the ground, any metallic item becomes magnetic. This generates the electronic signal, which is detected by the receiver in the coil. Receiver in turn dispatches a signal to the electronic box. The speaker makes this sound louder, generating a beep for the operator. The electronic box consists of microprocessors to measure the time lag between charging the area and receiving the signal. This time lag is called the phase shift and lets you know which metals are present. Using this principle, you can configure the high-end metal detectors to look out for specific metals.

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

How I spent my Vacation in Amsterdam

During the vacation I got to see many of the wonders that Amsterdam has to offer. One of the first things I went to see was the Van Gogh Museum. Having just gotten off the plane I was tired, but some of his art is just amazing to see, and I did not want to wait to see them.

After going to the museum I headed into the city center to look around, maybe do some shopping and get some food.

I had herd many things about Amsterdam and just thought that many of them were blow out of proportion, well I am here to tell you that they are all true. The first thing that hits you is the strong smell of Marijuana, and then you start to see the almost completely naked girls in the windows.

As if the prostitutes in the windows were not enough there are live sex shows and sex shops selling every imaginable sex toy known to man on every street, but this was not what interested me.

Then as I continued walking around I started to notice something besides pot, and naked females, I saw casinos.

I grew up in New Jersey, just about 2 hours from Atlantic City, and after my 18th birthday I spend a good amount of time in the casinos. So I decided to go in and check some of them out.

Well I wound up spending most of the rest of my time in those casinos. The first one I went to was Video Gaming machines only, but they had video poker, video blackjack and Video Slot machines as well, I did not really do well her in this place so I only spent about an hour, and about 100 Euro, then left.

The next place I found was a nicer place. Unlike in New Jersey, in these casinos people are dressed up in their nice clothes instead of jeans, sneakers and T-Shirts. This casino had actual table games so I tried to play some Blackjack, but there was a player at the table that either had no idea on how to play or he was somehow involved in cheating with another player, but I am inclined to think he just did not know how to play blackjack.

So I started playing at the Roulette table, and I was doing really well, at one point I was up about 400 Euro before I started losing. So I decided to leave this casino and go walking around for a while.

The next day I found myself in another casino, and I decided to see if my luck was back, I went to a slot machine and put in some money and on the third spin I won another 200 Euro, so feeling lucky I decided to enter the poker room, and that is when things got really interesting. I got into a game and boy were these guys good, but I was winning just as much as I was losing, and in the end I may have even walked away with a few Euros more then when I walked in.

After playing for about 5 hours I decided to go outside and walk around a bit to stretch my legs. I would up deciding to sit down and have a cup of coffee, but I did not know the difference between a coffee shop and a caf?.

In Amsterdam a caf? is a place to sit and have a coffee, but a coffee shop is a place to purchase and smoke Marijuana. So as I was sitting there drinking my coffee I noticed several people rolling joints. Now I have herd about this and I hade smelled plenty of pot while I was there, but I did not realize it was sold out in the open like this. So I decided to buy some pot and try it.

I went to the counter where I saw others buying their weed and the guy behind the counter was very nice and showed me a menu of what they had for sale. I wound up buying a joint of white widow. The man behind the counter told me his was very strong stuff, but I was not prepared for this.

I managed to smoke about half of the joint, before I was hit with this feeling. I have been a drinker for many years, but even in my college days I was never out of my head like this.

Eventually I managed to get out of there and get some fresh air, and some waffles. I decided, this was the time to back into the casino and win my money back, and in the end I lost another 600 Euro, and wound up falling off my chair in the casino and needed to be helped out.

So if you are going to be going to Amsterdam, be careful the grass is really strong.

Jumat, 16 April 2010

How Gambling Horoscopes Help you Win

Many people believe that by using astrology you can tell your future, and maybe it can not, but by following the advice given in Horoscopes many people find great luck, so how else can it be explained.

This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that if you believe it is true that you will have good luck on a certain day you probably will.

This does not mean that the prediction was right, but if you believe good things are going to happen to you at work, in your personal life or in a casino, you will give off a positive energy that attracts other positive energies and this will help good things happen.

Some people do not believe this theory either. They feel that if you believe good things are going to happen and they do it is because you were in a better mood and making better decisions which will bring about better results.

No one can tell how exactly gambling horoscopes help a person win in a casino, but the fact remains that they do help people win all the time.

Studies have been done to try to show exactly how horoscopes work, but no one has ever been able to come up with an explanation that seems believable. All they have been able to show is that the more you believe the better and more accurate the predictions will be.

This may be because if you really believe in the accuracy of the gambling Horoscope you will find things that you rationalize to make fit into the horoscopes prediction.

No one has ever been able to find any reason any form of prognosticating works, but people do believe in it and it is that belief in it that seems to make the things come true.

Studies have been done in the past and have proven beyond doubt that a person who has a more positive outlook will tend to have better luck and will generally be a happier person; where as a person with a negative outlook will constantly have negative events take place around them.

The only explanation scientists have ever given for this is to say that the average human only uses 10% of the brain and that the explanation for these events is hidden in the 90% of the brain we do not use, and that maybe if and when we learn the secrete for unlocking these areas of the brain we will then be able to get a better understanding of how all types of psychic predictions work.

But until then all I can tell you is that if you believe that the prediction will come true then it will come true.

By reading your horoscope and waiting until it says you will have a good day, then going to the casino to do some gambling you will greatly increase your chances of having a winning day and the more you believe it will happen the more it increases your chances of being successful.

Kamis, 15 April 2010

History of Invicta Watch

Who is Invicta Watch Group?

Meaning “invincible” in Latin, Invicta watches were actually made as early as 1837.  Founder Raphael Picard wanted to bring people high quality Swiss watches at affordable prices.  The company began its history in La Chaux-de-fonds, Switzerland – a land well-known for its watch making endeavors.

Swiss watches have been highly coveted by many parts of the world, and Invicta watches picked up in popularity.  The name was well known and well established for more than a century.  In the history of Invicta watch, one thing has remained constant: Invicta watches are known for their quality and beautiful design.  This is as true today as it was a century ago.

Sadly, the “quartz invasion” of the 1970s pushed Invicta watches out of the picture.  Invicta watches all but disappeared.  It looked like the long history of Invicta watches had finally come to an end.

The History of Invicta Watch Group, Today

The good news is, the history of Invicta Watch Group does not end with the 1970s.  In 1991, the descendants of the original Invicta watch name re-formed the company.  Today, Invicta watch group is dedicated to bringing you high quality watches that are still affordable and beautiful in design – the same commitment that Invicta Watch was known for more than a century ago.

“In 1837, Invicta handcrafted its first watches with the belief that fine Swiss timepieces could be offered at modest prices. Today, powered by that same maverick spirit, the once-tiny company has become a fire-breathing dragon, worshiped by collectors, but feared by the rest of the watchmaking industry. In 1991, descendants of the Invicta family re-established the brand holding firm to the company’s founding principle. With rebellious zeal, they quickly recognized that Invicta could give a large segment of the watch-buying public that had long been ignored by other companies, unprecedented access to the fine Swiss quality they lusted for, at prices well within their reach. Thirteen years later, the Invicta Watch Group has evolved into the fastest-growing watch company in the business and has sparked a movement that is turning the balance of power in the watch industry.”
-    Invicta Watch web site, July 2006

Invicta Watches

Today, Invicta watches are growing in popularity.  With many varied styles and types of beautifully-crafted watches, Invicta Watch Group is dedicated to bringing you the very best at prices that anyone can afford.  Invicta Watch Group uses cutting-edge technology and the best possible materials to make their watches, including anti-reflective sapphire crystals.

With many different product lines, Invicta Watch Group has something to please everyone.  The Angel, Pro Diver, and Elite lines are some of Invicta Watch Group’s most popular.  Every year, Invicta Watch Group strives to bring original, beautifully designed watches out of production for consumers.

When it comes to quality, Invicta Watch Group is definitely a name that you can trust.  Why shouldn’t everyone be able to afford high-quality, carefully crafted, beautifully designed Swiss watches?  That’s Invicta’s goal, and they do it very well.

After all, Invicta Watch Group is one of the fastest-growing names in the watch making industry.  The History of Invicta Watch Group, and the quality of the watches that they produce, should speak for themselves.  Invicta Watch Group is a name you can trust for high-quality, fashionable timepieces.

Rabu, 14 April 2010


HDTV - The next generation of TV, or the next 8 track cartridge format. That's the important question for anyone looking to invest in a new HDTV television. There have been so many different video, tape and sound system formats that the consumer could be forgiven for cynicism and exercising more than a touch of caution.

The HDTV format has been put together by an industry wide group of US researchers and manufacturers, rather than any one manufacturer. It should not be subject to the inter-manufacturer squabbling that killed the 8-track cartridge or Beta format video recording.

HDTV offers a spectacular combination of color intensity and Dolby Digital surround sound that has impressed most reviewers. Giving cinema-like sound and picture quality.

Gas Plasma HDTV screens offer a higher degree of contrast than the competing LCD flat screen TVs. This means the TV has a visible and bright picture, even in a brightly lit room, no more closing the drapes to watch a football game in the afternoon. The Plasma screen also has a much wider viewing angle, so the whole family can watch from around the room. LCD screens have improved in this regard, but are still limited. The colors on an LCD screen change once you are not directly in front or within 10 degrees of a centre line.

If your new television screen is intended for use as a video game screen as well, then the choice is more difficult. This is because gas plasma screens do suffer from "Burn in". Burn in is where an image that has been displayed for an extended period of time leaves an after-image on the screen even after it is removed. This can be a problem with video gamers because game on-screen control panels tend to be static and would cause "Burn in."

Selasa, 13 April 2010

HDTV - High Definition Television

Television, one of the greatest entertainment devices ever created.

Back in the day, people were outstanded by the capability of being able to watch broadcasts in black & white.

People were amazed by the technology of being able to watch live broadcasts from across the world, films and sports all whilst not having to leave their homes.

Then came along colour!

Obviously, we have come a long way since then, what with the capabilities of computers and the internet, video calling and other technological advances, having colour television all seems a bit primitive.

Since colour television there also have been some more advances for our viewing pleasure.

There was the VCR, giving people the choice of recording their programmes or buying video’s for their kids.

Then came along DVD. DVD produced improved quality in audio and visual a normal VCR cassette couldn’t compete with, as well as separating the films into scenes and sections, and adding extras.

Now with digital television widely becoming the standard, we have LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) & Plasma screens, again improving picture quality whilst saving space. But it doesn’t stop there.

The new technology that again, will improve the viewing pleasure is ‘High Definition TV’ or HDTV for short.

So, what is HDTV?

HDTV is the latest generation of digital TV, providing life-like picture quality, at least four times superior to current standards. It will provide extremely clear and fine picture detail with richer colours, improving the visual experience.

At launch, HDTV is thought to be available from BSkyB. In order to view programmes broadcast in 'High Definition', a soon to be released HDTV Sky Receiver with Sky+ technology will be required. In addition, the benefit of High Definition will only be apparent through a HDTV television (ideally plasma or LCD).

Please note, not all Plasma & LCD televisions currently available are HDTV compatible. It is expected to become available in the first quarter of 2006.

Senin, 12 April 2010

Great Ways To Find Excellent Deals On Contact Lenses

Contact lenses come in a wide variety of makes and styles. Although one needs to obtain a prescription in order to purchase their contacts, there is a wealth of options available when it comes to purchasing contact lenses. This makes it easier for the individual to find the best deal possible when searching for contact lenses. There are many places where a contact lens wearer can look in order to find their particular make of contact lenses at an extremely reasonable price.

Find Great Deals Online

One way to find a fantastic deal on contact lenses is by searching companies and providers, which sell contact lenses online. In general, all one needs to do is to select their particular type of contact lenses, enter their prescription information so that it can be verified by the company prior to shipping the lenses and pay for the contact lenses. The prices which one will come across online are quite inexpensive when compared with the prices at some retail stores. There are a few different well-known contact lens distributors, such as 1-800 Contacts, which provide an array of choices for contact lens wearers everywhere. If one has access to the Internet, considering purchasing contact lenses online is an extremely beneficial thing to do.

Manufacturers Rebates from the Eye Doctor

Another great way to find an excellent deal on contact lenses is to inquire about possible manufacturers rebates at one’s eye doctor’s office. Frequently, the optometrist will receive special rebates from various contact lens manufacturers who are trying to get the word out on their contact lens varieties. This will often yield rebates for the patients in the form of $20 and upward in many cases. Checking with the eye doctor for any possible contact lens rebates is another great way to obtain a good deal on the purchase of contacts.

Retail Store Specials

Lastly, one may be able to find a great deal by going to a retail store, which sells eyeglasses and contact lenses. Frequently stores such as these will have seasonal sales where one or more types of contact lenses are on sale to the public. All one needs is a prescription and they are well on their way to obtaining a new pair of contact lenses at a great price.


Contact lenses are a necessary purchase, which do not have to break the bank. By following the aforementioned tips, one may just be able to find the perfect deal on a new pair of contact lenses.

Minggu, 11 April 2010

How Legalized Online Gambling is Better for Society

The question we should be asking is, by banning online gambling are we going to make things better or worse?

The answer to that question is simple, banning legalized and regulated online gambling in any form, just makes another way for organized crime to get a hold of peoples money, and then no one but the criminals win.

If you want to keep a child from seeing an R rated movie you do not ban the movie from the theaters do you? No that would be silly you just make sure that people are doing there best to check and verify that no one under 18 gets into see the movie. By banning the movie chances are greater that someone will get a bootleg copy and show it to every kid in the town.

So if you want to keep a child from gambling online then all the online casinos should be regulated and monitored, not banned.

The same goes for terrorists. If you believe terrorist groups are exploiting an unregulated and unmonitored industry such as the online gambling industry, then by regulating it you can see where the money is going and make sure it is not going to fund international terrorist attacks. All that is accomplished by banning it is that the criminals get a stronger grip on the industry.

The ban on online gambling is much like the war on drugs. If marijuana was legalized in the USA crimes related to it would almost go away completely, because it would be sold in stores and it would be controlled, another advantage would be that people would no longer be going to jail for marijuana related charges, this means thousands of less people getting arrested and going to jail every year, which would save us tax money that could be better spent.

By making online gambling in the USA a legalized form of adult entertainment it would also bring in an estimated 1.2 billion dollars in taxes to the American government. This money could be used for schools, police and universal healthcare for all Americans.

This is how you improve society, not by telling people what to do. It is human nature to want what we can not have so the more laws you put in place to stop people from doing something the better the chances are that people are going to do it.

People are just as likely to become addicted to gambling at a regulated casino as an unregulated one, but the difference is that in a regulated casino they will not extend you the amount of credit that will get you into trouble in an illegal casino.

And in a regulated casino they will have information on how to get help if you have a gambling problem. In an illegal casino they will not have this type of information, they want you to continue to gamble till you have nothing left, and then they will let you fall and find someone to take your place.

In the long run society can only prosper if we educate people on the dangers of gambling both online and in a casino, and not from banning an industry that employs thousands of people in countries all over the world. No one gains anything from just telling people they can not do something that they are going to do anyway.

It is about time the government learned this and stopped making the same mistakes year after year.

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

How does a chocolate fountain work?

A chocolate fountain is essentially an apparatus made from stainless steel that serves molten chocolate fondue. A motor at the base of the fountain is used for heating the prepared chocolate morsels that are placed in a heating tray. A central corkscrew pushes the molten chocolate up through a column. Upon reaching the top of the fountain, which may be 2-4 feet in height and have multiple tiers, the chocolate flows down. The chocolate flows into one tray and spills on to the next till it reaches the bottom tier. After the chocolate cascade reaches the base of the fountain, the whole process is repeated again. The first melting of the chocolate can also be carried out in a microwave or a double boiler. The fountain is placed on a base that is sturdy enough to hold around 40 kilograms of weight and is close to a power socket.

Chocolate high in cocoa butter, such as couverture chocolate, is ideal for use in fountains. The chocolate can be either milk or dark. Chocolate low in cocoa butter must be supplemented with vegetable oil; however, this hampers the smoothness and taste of the chocolate.

Chocolate fountains are available as home and commercial versions that can be used for a variety of occasions such as parties, film premieres, bar mitzvahs, and product launches. A home fountain is ideal for a gathering of around 25 people.

Chocolate fountains are available for rent from catering companies and party supply stores. These also provide an attendant who ensures that the fountain works properly, the chocolate cascades smoothly, and there is no abuse of the fountain at the hands of eager children. Tidbits such as fruit pieces, cheesecakes, marshmallows, etc are kept around the fountain. These can be skewered on to toothpicks and dipped in the fountain. Generally, anything that is not liable to crumbling will be fine for dipping in a chocolate fountain.

Chocolate fountains can be rented at an hourly rate that includes the charges for the attendant’s services and the cost of the chocolate used. Usually, chocolate fountains are operated for no more than two hours during a party; normally they are functioning when appetizers and desserts are served. They can also be an additional item in a buffet. Installing a chocolate fountain in the outdoors is not recommended as insects get drawn by the aroma of chocolate and breeze may disrupt the flow.

Jumat, 09 April 2010

How can I get free gift cards?

Merchants want to know what appeals to users and consumers and what does not. But often it is quite difficult for merchants to figure out such information from you, the consumer. So, some merchants decide to approach prospective customers or users to give a candid opinion about their product or service. But like every thing in this universe, nothing comes free! Thus, many merchants offer ‘free gift cards’ in exchange for you, the customer providing them with your opinions.  If approached correctly, this can be a fun and easy way to save some quick cash.

Other times, the merchants simply want to attract new customers and/or leads. One of the easiest ways to do this is to offer a special deal, coupon or discount in the form of a free gift card. This puts the consumer in the driver’s seat, as various companies compete with each other to offer more attractive deals.

Now the question about how and where one can get such free gift cards. The best way to get hold of them is online. Companies like Wal-Mart, Burger King, JC Penney, Kmart, Sears, Speedway, Subway and the like frequently give away these gift cards to people for sharing some personal information or signing up for a free trial, subscription or limited offer..

If you search online, you can find websites such as quizpoints.com and yourgiftcards.com which provide visitors access to several questionnaires and offers from reliable merchants. Generally the respondents have to answer some simple (and some times complex) questions presented in a questionnaire or quiz format. Once the respondent has successfully answered the given set of questions, he or she is awarded some points. The respondent can thereafter answer some more quizzes like this and keep on accumulating points in his or her account. Once the points cross a certain threshold, they can exchange it for a free gift card from the list provided by the website. Quizpoints.com for instance offers the respondents ‘free gift card’ of $10 denomination in lieu of 500 accumulated points and $50 denomination for 2300 points.

Sites like these act as online direct marketers who aggregate advertisers in order to target consumers online. They are reimbursed for their services by being given a percentage of the merchant’s sales or other such set criteria. Therefore all three parties benefit from this transaction. The respondent gets his reward ‘free gift card’, the website gets its commission and the marketer or the trader gets his information and/or lead.

For the first time ‘free gift card’ hunter, there are however some words advice. Never undervalue the power of ‘research’. This can save the free gift card seeker a great deal of time and frustration. Also one needs to be aware of the fine print in the free gift offer terms. And last but not the least – always apply for free gift cards from reputable websites that you are familiar with.

Kamis, 08 April 2010

How a Mechanical Watch Works

The first watches did not wind automatically. They did not light up with digital numbers, nor did they tell the date or have alarms that could be set. These completely mechanical watches didn’t need batteries either, but they did need to be “powered” somehow.  In order to keep on going, a mechanical watch needs to be wound regularly -- usually once per day.  So why would people today opt for a mechanical watch in this age of inexpensive quartz and digital watches? It’s all about aesthetics and an appreciation for the art of watch making.

What Makes a Watch Mechanical?

For a watch to be completely mechanical it must not only run by means of a wound spring and set of gears, but these must be powered by mechanical means. This is different from a quartz watch which also ticks off time by the movement of gears, but keeps those gears moving through the energy of a quartz crystal. With a mechanical watch the energy to move the gears is powered by the winding of the mainspring. When the spring is fully wound on a typical mechanical watch the watch will keep accurate time for about 40 hours. There are more complex mechanical watches that can keep time for much longer with a full wind of the mainspring.  Automatic watches are also considered mechanical watches, but the movement of the wearer’s wrist is able to activate the winding, hence the name automatic watches.

The same basic design of a mechanical watch is not all that different today than it was half a century ago.  The intricate workings of a mechanical watch involves more than a dozen types of screws and about 40 more wheels, springs, plates, balances, and jewels -- and that doesn’t even include the case, face or strap!  All of these tiny parts go into making the precise movement of a mechanical watch.  However, at the heart of the finer watch movement are the jewels.

The Hidden Jewels in Every Mechanical Watch

The jewels are named as such because they are literally jewels -- specifically rubies. Genuine rubies were once used because they are made of crystallized aluminum oxide.  This is a very hard material with a smooth, slippery surface that allows the wheel pivots to move in a consistent, constant manner as powered by a wound mainspring.  This also keeps the steel wheel pivots from wearing down from the friction of the movement.  Today, synthetic rubies are used in numbers ranging from 5 to 35 jewels depending on the complexity of the movement.  At one time, manufacturers believed more jewels were better, but have settled in with about 4-8 jewels being the most efficient way to power the mainspring.

How All of the Components Work Together

If you were to open the back of a mechanical watch you would see the ticking off of the mainspring. This is wound using the stem winder that sticks out from the watch’s encasement, also know as the crown.  The first mechanical watches used an oscillating balance wheel and spring as the time base. This was then replaced with a tuning fork that acts as the resonator to move the gears at the appropriate rate.  These in turn move the hands on the face of the watch at right increments.

Caring For Your Mechanical Watch

A finely crafted mechanical watch can last a lifetime and even be the type of heirloom that gets passed from one generation to the next. In order to keep your mechanical watch functioning well it is important to take it to a watchmaker every 3 to 5 years to have it lubricated and cleaned of dust and debris.  You want to keep a mechanical watch completely dry. When you take it in for its routine service, be sure to have the case checked for any cracks where water might get in.  Water can be especially damaging to the steel parts of the watch including the escape wheel and anchor escapement.

A mechanical watch never needs batteries and a good one can keep time accurately to within 2-3 seconds per day (not as accurate as a cheaper quartz watch which is accurate to 0.5 seconds per day).  Mechanical watches are typically purchased because of their appearance and the timeless craftsmanship that goes into them.  Most people today have several types of watches in their wardrobe of accessories, so adding a mechanical watch is one way to balance yours out with a truly classic style.

Rabu, 07 April 2010

Hotels: How to Get Free Gifts

Planning to visit Las Vegas or any other vacational resort where casinos are a major portion of their business? I have just the thing for you. Here, I will show you how to pass off as a High Roller and collect many complimentary items and gifts.

What is the Secret?
The Secret is that you have to make them believe you are rich and love gambling. In short you have to impersonate a High Roller.

Hotels love high rollers because these players leave behind thousands of dollars each visit. And the real cool part about this is that if you act the role, casinos will lavish you with the same gifts and complimentary items that a real High Roller would receive.

How ?
It is not that difficult to fool the hotel and resorts with some finesse and true self-confidence. It can be done.

1) The Way you Dress:
Elegant and smart is the way to go. Opt out of the baseball cap, t-shirt and jeans. Try and wear a suit or at least a regular buttoned shirt with an elegant dark jacket. It was Shakespeare who said that the clothes maketh a man, and so too, when going to a hotel resort. They judge you according to how you dress, so dress according to the role.

2) A Large Pad of Notes:
Yes. Just like in the movies. Carry a large bundle of notes with you and keep them in plain sight. You do not have to really take with you that much. Instead, take a few notes and place them at the top and at the bottom of real note-size paper cuttings. Just remember to never expose this while you are in the casino. Use other notes you’re your wallet instead. But do it nonchalantly so that none of the casino personnel will notice.

3) Always Flash Your Notes Around: No matter where you go, whether its to the hotel restaurant for lunch or for to the bar. They will be watching. From time to time, use that money to play at a range of table games or video game and bet some of that money. Remember you must use some of your money to play but just do not use all of it.

4) Play Complicated Games:
This is one of the more problematic things to do and requires some training at home. Learn on your own how to lay and how to bet on the high rolling games such as roulette, baccarat and craps. You could also play poker or Texas holdem in one of the larger ante tables, but in any case stick to your plan and you will soon reap the flowers.

Above, I have outlined some of the more practical methods by which one can save money by receiving gifts from the casino. These gifts range from casino comps (free money to play), room deals that can get nearly free and many others such as free drinks, clothes, coupon to stores in Las  Vegas and many more.  Note that what you are doing here is completely legal provided you don't take up a false name or falsify your passport card.

Selasa, 06 April 2010

Hitachi 55 Plasma TV Delivers Five-Star Performance

The Hitachi 55 plasma TV 55HDM71 HDTV Ready model can handle over a billion color display gradations, and produces the highest blacks and deepest saturation of any plasma tv unit due to Hitachi's newly developed ten-bit image process.

With an aspect ratio of 16:9 and resolution at an amazing 1366 x 768, this Hitachi 55 plasma TV display device is unsurpassed.

The Hitachi 55HDM71 uses high-efficiency panel technology, dynamic false contour redirection, contrast and color enhancers. Other standard features such as split screen with dual image control and picture-in-picture (PIP), 20 watt audio amplifier, a monitor ID bit, screen saver, and life extension mode put this plasma TV in a class by itself.

This 55 inch plasma tv hardly takes up space in your room. You can mount it on a stand or on a wall, it is only a little over four inches thick. For the best picture view it at a distance of 14 feet or more. You'll be able to view it from anywhere in your room because this plasma screen boasts a 160 degree viewing angle. There is no curvature, thus distortion is eliminated.

Did you know that plasmas make up more than 99% of our visible universe. "Plasma" in science is known as the "fourth state of matter".

Other efficient features of this Hitachi 55 plasma TV are three language screen display, night and day memory, input and sound adjustment buttons, and many input/outputs for digital imaging friendliness.

Senin, 05 April 2010

History of Mido watches

Talk of vintage watches and one name that springs to the mind immediately is Mido. Mido continues as a strong favorite among the watch collectors of the world today. Mido has been a name to reckon with throughout its history of over 80 years, with watches that are meant for watch connoisseurs and discerning users. It specializes in mid price range watches that offer something special and out of the ordinary. Mido prides itself with making timeless watches.

Mido’s history goes back almost 90 years to 1918, when the company was born. Mido was started on November 11, 1918 by George G. Schaeren in Biel, Switzerland. Mido is a Latin term that means measuring. Since its very inception, Mido has been in the forefront of technical innovation and timeless designs.

The next several decades that followed the birth of the company, saw Mido advancing both technologically and aesthetically. While path breaking innovations such as the first automatic watch, the first watch with unbreakable springs, the first center chronograph, the world’s most powerful winding mechanism, and the world’s smallest ladies’ watch hall marked the technological advances, Mido’s collaboration with luxury brands threw up unique and attractive designs like the Mido Bugatti.

In 1934, Mido introduced the Multifort model, the first watch in the market to have a self-winding movement. The introduction of this automatic watch for the first time in the market was a major milestone in the history of Mido. The watch was also shock resistant, anti magnetic and water resistant – all firsts at that time. Mido reached yet another milestone in the same year when it introduced watches with unbreakable springs. This was also the first time that any company had introduced such springs in the market.

Mido was the first to introduce center chronograph (a watch with all hands arranged in the center) in the year 1945. In 1954 the company introduced the world’s most powerful winding mechanism. In 1967 Mido was recognized as the maker of the world’s smallest ladies’ watch.

With so many firsts to its credit and a history of innovations, it was small wonder that Mido was in the forefront for a number of decades. Mido’s first automatic, anti-magnetic and water resistant watch remained in the forefront for over three decades right through to the sixties. Another model, the Mido Robot was a symbol of robustness in the fifties. So much so that a famous comic strip of the period was dedicated to the Mido Robot and its adventures.

Mido introduced its commander model in 1959. This was a single shell watch, the first of its kind and a novelty at the time. The single shell case revolutionized the industry, and improved the life span of watches significantly. Mido commander has survived to this day, and is among the most highly recognized watches with several individual models. Among the models featured under this range is an 18 karat gold model. The range also includes chronographs and COSC certified chronometers.

In 1970 Mido introduced the Aquadura Crown Sealing system, an innovation that earned a place for it as the king of waterproof watches. The Aquadura crown sealing system uses a natural cork that is treated and shaped to ensure the water resistant characteristics. This is used to seal the crown, which is the part that is most prone to, and affected by, water leakage.

In the nineties, the Mido World Timer was introduced. This was a functional watch that could show the local time at any part of the world. The user had to just bring the concerned city to the 12 o’clock position and press the crown to see the local time in that city.

Mido is today a part of the Swatch group, which is a vibrant organization with over 150 production centers all over the world. Most of the production centers are in Switzerland, with the rest spread over countries like France, Italy, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia and China. Swatch group also owns brands such as Omega, Longines, Rado, and many more.

Minggu, 04 April 2010

History of Luminox watches

Luminox watches are known by the self-powered illumination system that is unique to them, and guaranteed to last for at least ten years. In order to incorporate this facility, Luminox watches undergo additional manufacturing steps that no other watches in the world do. The history of Luminox is closely tied to this unique feature of its watches.

Richard Timbo and Barry Cohen, two business acquaintances who knew each other through their career as sales representatives, were looking for creating a market through branded products or proprietary technology that would place a barrier on competition. They found the Swiss company RMBG, which had a unique illumination technology, and suggested that this technology be incorporated into Swiss watches, and obtained exclusive rights for the use of the technology in Northern America.

The new design watches, which were initially marketed under the brand name of the Swiss company, was soon re-christened Luminox, a name highly suggestive of its unique illumination capabilities that had been derived from the Latin roots Lumi, meaning light, and nox meaning night.

The unknown brand of watches was still struggling to make a mark in a competitive market that laid great value by brand name, when it got a break in the form of a call from a US navy procurement officer. In 1993 the company received an invitation from the procurement officer of the US Navy SEAL teams to supply it with a specially designed range of watches. The US navy’s Sea, Air and Land (SEAL) teams needed a dive watch for use on their night missions. Luminox took up the challenge and worked with its Swiss partner for nine months before coming out with the first Navy SEAL watch in 1994.

This was a turning point in the history of Luminox watches. The seal of approval given by the SEAL improved the credibility of the brand and boosted its image in the consumer market. Demand for the watches started to grow. The company started selling its plastic model Luminox watches.

After selling several thousands of its plastic model watches for five years, the company introduced the first steel version, with carbon fiber bezel, in 1999. The steel version of the SEAL dive watches was an instant success. From this, it was apparent to the manufacturers that if they could make the watches in greater varieties and numbers, the market would absorb them. This spurred the company on to an expansion drive and the desire to introduce new models.

In the fall of 2000, the company came out with an all steel series and an all titanium series. The new launches were again greeted with resounding success, as the market lapped up both the products. These series incorporated features that are found in what are considered fine watches, and included 10-year lithium batteries, sapphire glass crystals and anti reflective coating.

The company also developed a new version that was targeted at special customers adding freshness to its range.

If the call from the US navy was a major milestone in the history of Luminox watches, the Air force was not to lag far behind. The company received a call in 1999 from the Edwards Air Force base informing them that they loved the watches produced by them, and would like to have a version for use during their bombing missions. The requirement was to develop something specifically for them, and not to supply or even adapt the version that was supplied to the Navy. This gave rise to a series of watches that was developed for use by F-117 Nighthawk stealth pilots.

Luminox subsequently acquired rights to develop watches for the unique requirements of aviation industry. Thus was born another range of watches in the Luminox group.

The company is now working on plans for new ranges of watches for meeting both the requirements of the Navy and the Air Force, and is also taking several measures to retain and consolidate it’s hold in the retail market.

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

History of croton watch


Watch is not only used for time but since a long time it is also used as a fashionable item. The variety of look and design were used to modify and make the watch attractive. Various jewelry items such as silver, gold, diamond and platinum were incorporated in various proportions by the manufacturers to give watch an attractive look.

Early Watch Manufacturing:

In the history, 1524 is known to be the earliest watch manufacturing year, however early manufacturing begins in France and in the year 1574 a watchmaker named as Charles Cousin shifted to Geneva in Switzerland from France and settled there and got citizenship after thirteen year. During that period, the watch was being used a jewel and became available for masses much later.

Charles Cousin founded a watch guild in Geneva and during the period Switzerland watches became famous. There were various watchmakers in Switzerland before Charles Cousin, but the commitment of Charles Cousin to organize the sector has given boost to the quality manufacturing and propagating the quality to the world. The timepieces made during the period were not perfect as of today. These first timepieces were inaccurate and most of the watches have only hour hand and had to be wound twice a day.

During the period 1600 to 1700, the watches remain a jewelry pieces and the period also saw technical innovation. Two types of watches pendulum and pocket watch were made available during the period. During 1675, a spiral balance spring was used, which improved the accuracy of timekeeping from a fraction of hour earlier to a fraction of minute. Till 1675, the pendulum type were used in the neck, Charles II of England introduced long waistcoats and men used the pockets of these waistcoats to put the watches.

By 1715, English watch makers started using diamond as bearings. By the ends of century the upper bearing of the balance shaft were likely to have the diamonds. During the early 1800’s, the machines for manufacturing watches were developed and clock parts were being manufacturers and subsequently the cost of various watches came down. In late 1800’s many well-known watch companies came and croton watch is one of them.

Croton Watch Company:

Croton Watch Company Inc. was established in the year 1878 and since then the family is continuously running business. Croton Watch Company Inc. is operated from New Jersey, USA. More than 128 years old company is known worldwide for the classical watches. Since the inception of the business, the family is fostering the business in not only United States, but throughout the globe.

Croton wristwatches are classically designed to keep the trends and advances in trend setting for the future generation. The various models of Croton watches have been featured in various magazines including Harpers Bazaar magazine. The models available with Croton are sometimes better than the costlier models supplied by other companies. Croton watch comes with a lifetime warranty.

Classical Models of Croton Wrist watches:

Some of the classical watch models of croton includes RC 307335 wrist watch for male, RC 211069 wrist watch for female, Croton ladies watch model 207758 RHMP, Croton men’s stainless steel limited edition Swiss automatic multifunction diamond bracelet watch, Croton men’s nicolet sport stainless steel bracelet watch, croton skeleton dial watch. All these watches are available from a range of $ 70 to $ 700 in the market.

Jumat, 02 April 2010


With all of the abbreviations flying around the stores and commercials, it is very easy to become confused as to what it is you need to buy.

HDTV is one of these offenders! HDTV stands for High Definition Television and means the broadcast of television signals with a higher resolution than traditional formats (NTSC, SECAM, PAL) allow.

Generally HDTV is broadcast digitally, i.e. together with cable, satellite, or a digital receiver. You cannot view HDTV with an analogue aerial.

There are three things you need to be able to view HDTV and these are firstly a source, such as a local, cable or satellite HDTV station. Secondly, a way to receive the signal, like an antenna, cable or satellite service, and finally an HDTV set.

For the set you can choose from an integrated HDTV, which has a digital tuner, also known as an ATSC tuner, built in. If a station near you is broadcasting in HDTV, you can attach an antenna to an integrated set and watch the station in high definition. Or you can purchase an HDTV-ready set, also called an HDTV monitor, which does not have an HDTV tuner. HDTV-ready sets often have NTSC tuners, so you can still watch analogue TV with them. Your picture quality will still be better than on your old TV, but it won't be high definition until you get an HDTV receiver.

Once you've picked up your set and installed it in your home, you'll need to get a signal. To get a signal, you can use:

An antenna - Depending on your location relative to the stations you want to watch, a small antenna may suffice, but otherwise you might need a rooftop or attic antenna. You can buy an antenna that's specifically made for digital signals, but any reliable VHF/UHF antenna will work.

Cable - Remember that digital cable is not the same as HDTV. Check with your provider to find out which packages include HDTV stations. You'll also either need a set-top cable box or a CableCARD™ to allow your television to receive and decode the cable signal.

Satellite service - As with cable, check with your provider to find out which plans and stations use HDTV signals. You may need a different satellite dish and tuner to receive HDTV signals via satellite.

Kamis, 01 April 2010

Grill Burner Comparison: Cross Sections

All stainless steel burners are not created equal. When comparing burner systems, there are a few key points to look for. Most manufacturers use stainless steel sheet metal to make their burner systems. The downside of sheet metal burners is that they are prone to a process called burn-through. The manufacturer's warranty covers sheet metal burners against rust-through, but does not cover against burn through. To combat burn through, select manufacturers use CAST stainless steel burners. The warranty on these burners does cover burn-through as well as rust-through, twisting, warping and any other problems.

Compared side by side it is plain to see by our photos at Gas Grills Now, that where a sheet metal burner is not as thick as a U.S. quarter, a cast stainless steel burner is a full ¼ INCH thick. Along with being thicker, note the placement of the burner ports on the side of the burner. On the sheet metal burners, the ports are exposed to grease drippings, and food particles, which can clog the ports and speed up the burn-through process. The cast burner is designed with a protective ridge, so that drippings cannot contact the ports.

There are several choices offered to the consumer: Cast stainless steel, Tube stainless steel, Sheet stainless steel, porcelain, cast iron and chrome burners.

    * Stainless Steel: Sheet Metal burners are the least expensive. They are mainly used on grills under $800. A tube burner is better than sheet metal, but is still very thin compared to cast. The tube burner is a great place for high end grill manufactures to cut costs. They are not even as thick as a quarter. As far as I know, all tube burners do not cover burn through.

    Cast Stainless Steel is the best. Look at the burner pictures and you will see that the cast is 1/4 inch thick.

    Warranty covers burn through!

    * Cast Iron: Cast-iron conducts heat better which makes it the preferred cooking surface for many cooks. To protect against the natural rusting process, cast-iron cooking grids have a porcelain finish which requires special maintenance.

    * Porcelain: Porcelain enamel is essentially a highly durable glass which, with coloring oxides and other inorganic materials, is fused to metal at extremely high temperatures. Most grids are made of steel rods; some are coated with porcelain to make them rust resistant and easier to clean.

    * Chrome: Chromium is a silver-gray, lustrous, brittle, hard metal that can be highly polished. It does Not tarnish in air, but burns when heated, forming the green chromic oxide. It is used in plating other metals because of its hardness and non-tarnishing properties. In alloys with other metals it contributes hardness, strength, and heat resistance. This is quicker to burn through. It takes about 1 to 2 years.